Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Flare Dedications

So, you know when you totally forget about a website that you absolutely love and then something brings it to your memory and you go back to visit it and it is so exciting because everything has been changed because so much time has passed? (whew!). That's how I feel about fredflare.com right now. I was even more excited to see that they have finally opened up their first store in Brooklyn! Just one more incentive for me to go visit Tricia sometime this year!

Anyway, I was so excited about rekindling my love for this website, that not only did I make a few purchases, but I thought that I would send a few Flare Dedications out into the internet universe (mostly for those friends I think may visit this site every once in a while).

Here goes:


Could there be anything better than an Edgar Allan Poe action figure? I really don't think so...unless it was an Edgar Allan Poe talking doll! Sigh. Maybe someday...


So, I thought you would appreciate the Holly Golightly sleep mask. Mostly because I could totally see you wearing it and loving it, but also because a part of me feels like you would be an Audrey lover like I am!


Sarah! Maybe because when I think of you I always think of music, but these massive ear buds totally reminded me of you. I think you need to buy these!


I immediately thought of you when I saw this "cat"apult. I don't know one other person who would have more fun shooting cats at people. I only wish I could see you use it. Miss you!


Finally! The ultimate food fight - Bacon vs. Tofu! Just made me think of you - especially after our LA experience and laughing a lot at bacon!


Can you believe this? We better get those llamas soon! Haha. I thought you would think this was hilarious.


Oh MacGregor, how I would love to have $50 to buy this for you so that I could record your daily activities through a series of timed pictures. Maybe I would catch you during your daily dip in the spa, sneaking food out of impossible drawers, or just sleeping all day (as I really suspect). But wouldn't it be so great to know?


A game for foodies? Was this made for you? All I know is that I could never try to play this game with you as I would be disgustingly defeated after about 2 seconds!


I don't really know why I picked this for you, Whitney, except that I thought you would think that a $500 gold retainer necklace is as funny as I did!


Michelle said...

That gold retainer made my day.

Michelle said...

Yeah, I miss you. I miss how we all just hung out at your place forever doing homework, sleeping late, eating, talking about politics and feminism. I went back to finish my last semester at the Y, and it was so depressing. I lived with neoconservative MFHD majors that couldn't understand why I didn't flirt with 21-year-olds.

J-E said...

Love the Poe action figure. Now, if they ever market a Shakespeare one...then we're in business. I'd buy one for all of my students.

Tricia said...

That is awesome! The crazy cat lady needs some knitting needles though!! And I kind of love the gold retainer too.

I'm going to have to go find that store. Or I'll just keep pestering you to come visit me so we can go together!!

Katydid said...

Oh my gosh...I thought, are we cool enough to get our own picture, scroll, scroll, what we are! All of them are funny. We made almond cookies and watched the Gilmores...we missed you much! Hope you are well.

em said...

Holy crap, Jo, this is FUNNY! I will have to check this website out for sure, and may even have to order the gold retainer for a white elephant present....it's so ghetto!!! I love it! Thanks for sharing the website.

Whitney said...

The gold retainer totally reminded me of DC. For morning meeting, the kids would sometimes bring in stuff to share. One kid brought a "real" (according to him) gold grill. Oh man...I'm sure if I'd had the gold retainer, I would've had the respect of the entire class instantly.

Rob and Elyse said...

HAHAHA.. I must admit that I havent been keeping up on all my blogs, so I was purging yours today and reading every thing possible to see how your life is going. I literally laughed out loud when I saw this one haha and im OBESSED with audrey - howd you know? I am in the process of collecting all her movies on DVD because VHS does me no good. miss you!