Saturday, May 8, 2010

Poema para um dia de chuva

When I was in Mozambique, we studied Mozambican literature from a textbook that our professor had written. This is one of my favorite poems that we read (in it's English translation). Someday I think I would like to have this posted near my front door:

Poem for a Rainy Day

My home is a lighthouse in the middle of the night.

Come, whoever you may be

at first you'll be like the stem of a flower
dripping over the carpet

and we will watch you
as the color of the rain

but immediately, almost immediately
you will feel in yours the warm palms
of our hands

and you will find in the design of our smiles
the translation of the hour.

- Gloria de Sant'Anna

as translated by Frederick G. Williams

1 comment:

Michelle said...

That was beautiful, how are you?