Friday, June 10, 2011

Well, Hello George!

I just realized I never updated the post with where I am going. Yup, folks, in August I will be headed out to DC to begin a MA in International Development Studies at George Washington University. So excited! I have so many more things I need to update on here...maybe this weekend? :)


Whitney said...

Yahoo! I heart DC :)

Jenn said...

Congratulations Joanna! That will be a big change. So exciting!

LB said...

Hey Joanna,

I hope this isn't too weird but I was in a BYU ward with you and Jenny S. a long time ago but anyway...long story short...I was blog hopping (don't ask me to recreate the trail) and landed on your blog and I'm actually moving away from the DC area and I have a lovely, lovely spot for the Provo price of 367 in Arlington, VA. If you don't already have a place to live and would like to know more email me at maroonforest at gmail. (Yeah this is weird, huh? ...Oh well) Either way, congratulations, you'll love DC, it's a great great place.

Lisa Bardo (Genny H's roommate)

Katydid said...

So Great...I've been asking Jenny for updates. Guess I should have been looking myself. Good for you, what adventures.