Thursday, October 21, 2010

What the...seriously?

One of the weird things I have noticed working at a nonprofit is that everyone feels like you owe them something.

We seriously had a woman contact one of our staff members wondering if she could get a cookbook at a discount or for free because she had fundraised $50. Seriously? I don't even get a discount and you think you should? Why don't you just not give that donation and buy the book yourself? Sigh.

And, no, I don't want to feel pressured to buy Tupperware from you because you are on my volunteer planning committee - I work for a nonprofit, not a moneypot!

They also think that your logo is free property and have no issues with stealing it off the website and using it in company emails, shirts...whatever. Really? Would you do that with the logo of, say, McDonalds? Toyota? GAP? No! Why would this be any different??? If anything, nonprofits need to be even more careful about how their logo is used!

Anyway - just wanted to get some of that off of my chest.


Jeff and Whitney said...

I'd never thought about that...what did that staff member tell the cheapskate? You just assume people understand NON-PROFIT.

Sarah said...

This is awful to say and is probably only the result of a serious lack of sleep and one difficult person in particular, but the more I deal with people in general, the less impressed I am.

Joanna said...

No kidding! She actually told the person that the cookbooks are published by an outside company and we, as staff, don't even get a discount on them. Sigh. Bigger picture, people! It makes me feel good sometimes, though, when I come across someone who totally gets it.

Nicole Donelson said...

Joanna this had me laughing so hard!!! it's a unique circle to be a part of! :)